Death’s Angels on Smashwords

In a fit of unusual industriousness for me, I have uploaded Death’s Angels to Smashwords which means that hopefully, at some point in the next few weeks, it will become available on the iPad, iPhone and Barnes and Noble Nook as well as the Sony eReader. All this being subject to the approval of the good people at Smashwords. And by the way, a big thank you to whoever it was who bought Death’s Angels on today. I still have not got notice from Amazon that the book is officially live! Whoever you were you are my first e-book Read more…

Find and Replace in Writer

I just had my first big bit of grief from OpenOffice Writer. I was trying to replace double paragraph breaks. In Microsoft Word you just go to Find and Replace. In the find box you type ^p^p and in the replace box you type ^p. Hit replace all and you are done. Try as I might I could not get OpenOffice Writer to do this. I searched web pages and the explanations I got there were just beyond my comprehension. In the end, I found a solution although it involved installing the Alternate Search and Replace Extension (found here). Now Read more…

iCloud: The Hype Begins

There’s another interesting Apple puff-piece over at the Guardian. It sings the praises of Apple’s new iCloud as opposed to Google’s Web based approach to the cloud. The main difference is apparently that you can just fire up your MacBook and save your documents in the cloud and they will miraculously appear on all your other Apple computers from the cloud. You get to use local apps and not be tied to the browser as with Google’s offerings. Sounds pretty cool, huh? Another radical new innovation from Steve and the boys in Cupertino! Well, no actually. I’ve been doing this for Read more…

Some of My Favourite Things: the Kindle

I love this device. I really really do. Even though I bought it from Amazon US and a month later Amazon released a more powerful UK version at about half the price I paid for mine (including postage and import duties) I still feel like I got my money’s worth. Why? It lets me carry a library around in my jacket pocket. It’s light, its battery lasts for a month if I switch off the wireless connection and it lets me buy a new book or even get one for free pretty much wherever I am in the world. I Read more…

Apple Sales Growth and Guardian Spin

Over at the Guardian tech blog Charles Arthur points out that over the past five years Apple has enjoyed growth of up to 27% while Windows PC manufacturers have seen sales slump. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? Surely it’s worthy of serious investigation! There must be something that Windows PC manufacturers could learn here. And yet the same article points out that Apple’s overall market share has grown from something like 3.35% worldwide to a mighty 4%. That sounds a lot less impressive, doesn’t it? Apple are a great brand and they make very nice machines but 4% market share is Read more…