The Future As Boiled Frog

I am sitting in a cafe in Prague typing this in Open Office Writer on an Asus eeePC netbook running Ubuntu 10.10. I was thinking about working on my old Amstrad CPC 6128 in Edinburgh back in 1986 and the fact that the future has come like that famous frog, the one that doesn’t notice it is being boiled alive because the water around it is being heated so slowly. It’s small changes here, small changes there and then without ever really realising it, you are living in a science fiction world. I think of this netbook as being an Read more…

Manic Monday

Blood of Aenarion, my first new Warhammer novel in more than eight years, has just been released. I had planned a long post for today about the writing of the book, which was something of an epic in itself, involving travel across Europe and Asia, visits to exotic and glamourous locations and my discovery of a shrine to Slaanesh in that most likely of places, Thailand. I kept a diary of the trip and the process of writing and  took photos to document my journey. Unfortunately, in one of those clear demonstrations of the law of unintended consequences, I upgraded Read more…

First Impressions: Scrivener for Windows

I am just settling in to my first week of actual real work using Scrivener for Windows. I’ve written my last six books either wholly or partially in Scrivener for the Mac but over the past couple of years I have found myself drifting away from Apple’s machines and onto Windows and Linux. Scrivener was pretty much the only thing keeping me on OSX and I am wondering whether the Windows version will make it possible to cut the cord. I am approaching all this with some trepidation since I am paranoid about things like losing work because of software Read more…

The Day of Rest

First up apologies to the people who commented yesterday but whose comments did not get moderated till today. This happened because I take Sundays off. I don’t touch my computer unless it’s a real work emergency and the only writing I do is with a pen and paper. I don’t go near a screen unless to watch a little TV. The only gadget I make an exception for is my Kindle and that is basically because all I can do on it is read. I started doing this because my RSI and computer related health problems got really bad and Read more…