Elric Among the Nazis

Last year Gollancz announced it was going to be making all of Michael Moorcock’s genre work available both in print and in ebook form. It was exciting news for me. Moorcock was my gateway drug to genre fantasy more than 40 years ago. I own most of his stuff in paperback but the books are scattered hither and yon about the world and quite frankly you can’t beat ebooks for convenience, particularly when you’re a long term expat like me. Recently the first books in the new Michael Moorcock Library rolled off the digital presses (or whatever) and I was Read more…

New Cover For Guardian of the Dawn

As you can probably tell, I have been sprucing up the Kormak ebooks recently. Here is the lovely cover that the talented Clarissa Yeo over at bookcoversale.com did for the short story Guardian of the Dawn. If you’re interested, you can read the whole story for free here. The Author’s Notes are here.

Welcome Back Game of Thrones

I’m sure I wasn’t the only one sitting glued to the box by the return of Tyrion Lannister, Bron, John Snow, Danerys et al last night. I am sure of it because my wife and son were sitting right there with me. Which in itself is an unusual thing these days– normally our group television experience centres around watching a couple of episodes from a DVD box set like The Wire or Big Bang Theory. Watching a live (you know what I mean– it sounds better than non-time-shifted) broadcast at the same time as a whole lot of other people Read more…