TROLLSLAYER IS THE first part of the death saga of Gotrek Gurnisson, as retold by his travelling companion Felix Jaeger. Set in the darkly gothic world of Warhammer, Trollslayer is an episodic novel featuring some of the most extraordinary adventures of this deadly pair of heroes. Monsters, daemons, sorcerers, mutants, orcs, beastmen and worse are to be found as Gotrek strives to achieve a noble death in battle. Felix, of course, only has to survive to tell the tale.
Hi Bill
Your trollslayer e-mail address appears to have stopped working. What are you using now please?
All the best, Lindsay.
Hey Lindsay, good to hear from you. It’s bill (at) williamking (dot) me!
This book is truly masterpiece, it can be compared with any classic of genre. And I believe some day this book will be classic too.
Thanks, Martin!